Study Spaces

Finding a study space can be challenging sometimes. Check out some of study spaces in IKB here!

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Collaborative and Central

Heritage Core

Location: 3rd Floor – Room 300

The Heritage Core is a famous spot on campus being one of the “Harry Potter” rooms. It features 30 Macs with Adobe Suite, 5 PCs, and 5 dual monitor stations for student, faculty, staff, and community user use. The Heritage Core also offers free scanning and charging ports.

Features: Scanners, Dual Monitor Stations, Comfortable Seating, and Charging Ports

2nd Floor Learning Concourse

Location: 2nd Floor

The 2nd Floor Concourse features a variety of different accommodations. On one side, it features 2 printers (one colour, one black and white) and computers or monitors that can be connected to a personal device. The other half of the space acts as an informal study space with booths and individual desks equipped with charging ports.

The space also features temporary exhibits that highlight a variety of topics.

Features: Printers, Dual Monitor Stations, Comfortable Seating/Booths, and Charging Ports

Qualicum Reading Room

Location: 3rd Floor – Room 305

The Qualicum Reading Room, located next to the Heritage core, is another collaborative space located on the 3 floor. The study space is also shared with the Learning Lounge, the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication, and the CLC help desk. The space includes 2 colour printers, charging ports, a piano, and a print card machine which can add value to an existing UBC card account or allow to purchase a guest card.

Features: Printers, Print Card Machine, Equipment Lending + Help Desk, Piano, and Charging Ports

Golden Jubilee Room

Location: 4th Floor – Room 400

The Golden Jubilee Room located on the top floor is collaborative study space that also offers mountain and ocean views. Currently, the only phone charging station in IKB is located in this room!

Features: Phone Charging Station and Charging Ports

Silent Spaces

Silent Study Spaces

Musqueam Reading Room

Location: 4th floor – Room 455

The Musqueam Reading Room located on the 4th floor is one of the rooms in IKB that specifically honours and highlights First Nations with three Musqueam weavings included in the room.

Features: Comfortable Seating

Naas Reading Room

Location: 4th Floor – Room 459

The Naas Reading Room also located on the 4th floor features individualized study cubicles and also houses two classrooms- Hazelton and Wells. It has some charging ports with a variety of seating choice from private cubicles to high top desks to large group tables.

Features: Private Cubicles with Charging Ports

Ridington Room

Location: 3rd and 4th Floor, North End of MAA – Room 321

The Ridington Room located in the North end of MAA is another famous stop on campus! Also known as one of the “Harry Potter” rooms, it features portraits on all past and current UBC presidents.

On the 4th floor part of the room, there are individualized study cubicles.

Features: Comfortable Seating

Bookable Study Rooms

Bookable Group Study Rooms

There are bookable study spaces on every floor of IKB! All are equipped with charging ports and whiteboards, which can be borrowed at the CLC Help Desk on the 3rd Floor.

The bookable study rooms on the upper floors (3rd and 4th floors) are located in MAA. Bookings for upper floors can be made here.

Features: Charging Ports and Whiteboards

Bookings for lower floors (1st and 2nd floors) can be made here.

*3 or more people will need to occupy the room to make a booking

Other Bookable Spaces

Other Bookable Spaces

Digital Media Rooms

Location: 3rd Floor in MAA, Rooms: 324 & 325

The Digital Media Rooms in MAA are spaces that highlight media. Each room features media systems comprised of a display screen, an audio system, and DVD player. Room 324 also has a CD player while 325 also has a VCR player.

To use the display screen, you can also connect your personal device.

If you need an adapter, there are adapters available for loan at the CLC desk.

Both rooms have a capacity of 5 people.

Both rooms can be booked here.

Other Spaces

Other Study Spaces

Ike’s Cafe

Ike’s Cafe has a seating area that can seat over 100 people. Its menu offers a variety of things from coffee choices to samosas to baked goods.

Within the cafeteria, there are also some vending machines and an UpMeal vending machine that offers “to-go” meals.

They accept UBCcard Value PlanDepartmental Food Plan, Carryover Plan, UBC Guest Cards, cash, debit, and credit.

Other Study Spaces on Campus

Across campus, UBC offers a huge variety of both formal and informal study spaces.

For informal study spaces, click here.

UBC also has a map for study spaces across campus.

View UBC Study Map

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